Click a topic from the list below to compare the words and actions of LRH against those of the COB.
Managing by statistics
Which statistics?
Future statistics
Saint Hill size orgs
Ideal orgs
Buildings & Fundraising
Physical appearance of buildings
Super Power
Primary Rundown
What to memorize
How to memorize
MU's and confused ideas
Full conceptual understanding
Pro TRs course
Upper Indocs Course
Pro Metering Course
Class VIIIs
L. Ron Hubbard | David Miscavige (COB*) |
Founder and Source of Scientology |
Leader of Scientology since LRH’s death |
Which statistics? | |
LRH lays out clearly the 2 major stats for Scientology: “Orgs have only 2 major final valuable products. One is well-trained auditors. The other is satisfied pcs … Tech and Admin policy exist only to assist making these two products IN VOLUME.”
LRH ED 131 INT “The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs.”
HCO P/L 17 June 1970RB
“The individual statistic of any organization (except SH) is:
HCO P/L 4 October 1967, Issue I
“Clearing is now in the reach of every Scientologist.
HCO P/L 26 May 1961, Issue II (The specific stats for each division, department, and post which help the org achieve its valuable final products are fully laid out in each volume of the OECs.) |
COB has introduced a wide array of new statistics to Scientology. These are often highlighted at events, along with large graphs of “highest evers,” as evidence of Scientology’s expansion. Some of these stats, as featured in Scientology News issues # 33 through 40, include:
None of these stats is covered by any LRH reference. |
* Chairman of the Board, Religious Technology Center (RTC)